Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lyngby Day Trip

I had to get out of the house. You wouldn't think that this could be so hard. I never thought I would dread my alone time. But I do. So, in trying to remember what I liked to do before, when alone time was scarce, I decided to have an outing. My outing would have no particular intention other than finding an excellent cup of coffee.
Here are the pictures...

In Denmark, the parents put their babies "out to sleep." And by that, they literally mean, outside to sleep! Rain or shine! Snow and wind! It's really quite neat. I am sold on it now... call me crazy! Another concept that is completely foreign to us Americans... they leave them out, unattended. They can peer out a window at them, and check on them frequently, but they are out there on their own. Even when they go to cafe, they leave them outside in the pram. Check out the picture below.

So, the good cup of coffee was definitely aquired. Yum. That was much needed. I just need to ignore the notion of finding a good cup of coffee at a reasonable price. :)
I had a nice and cozy time with lots of walking and shop viewing. I have decided to do another mini adventure for myself on Friday. Where should I go?
Hugs from DK.


  1. That's pretty common in Estonia, leaving kids out to nap alone. I often see tourists taking that same photograph, and one American even came into the café to tell the waitress someone had forgotten their child outside. She was surprised an American had done it, and was quite vocally upset with me.

  2. Wowzers! Yea, Americans can get pretty uptight about these things. I mean, it's only the safety of your child, right? ;) No, but seriously. They are really safe here!
