Monday, November 1, 2010

Family Update

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. We are settling int the late fall days in DK now. The leaves are falling rapidly from the trees in all sorts of beautiful colors and the temperature is much colder than us South Carolinians are used to. Somehow, though, we have managed to acclimate our bodies to this temperature. It hasn't seemed as cold as we thought it would, nor has the weather been as bad as everyone here promised it would be. I have been told that the fall is cold and rainy. It has been cool for sure, but not terribly rainy. Perhaps we have just been lucky so far, but it has been a spectacular season!
As I said in my first posts, the light here is different than in SC. In the summer, it stays light from 3:30am until 11:30pm on the longest days. As we entered the fall season the light of the day shortened much more rapidly than it does in SC. On Sunday morning at 2am, we changed our clocks back to allow for morning light as you all will do next weekend (so for one week, we are only 5 hours apart!). So now, the sun will rise tomorrow at 7:18 and set at 4:28. It's bizarre! Pretty soon it will be that we are leaving for school in the dark and returning home in the dark as well. I understand why we have so many candles around here! This year it is interesting and cozy, but next year maybe I will have a different opinion.

We have done many fun and exciting things this fall. Recently, we have been to Tivoli for a night of Halloween fun. Kasper was given free tickets through a client for the opening night of the Halloween festivities. If you don't know what Tivoli is, you should definitely check it out. They don't do anything half way. We will be going again at the end of the month for their Christmas/Jule fest.
The children had one week off from school for efterårsferie, which is fall break. It was originally called the katoffler ferie or potato holiday because the children were let off from school to dig up the crops. The children went to stay with Kasper's parents for 2 nights with their two cousins (yes, 5 children ages 2-8 with one set of grandparents!). They had so much fun and even got to go to the circus. While the children were having their fun, Kasper treated us to a night at a spa hotel where we enjoyed a really nice dinner at their gourmet restaurant, NFL football!, lots of sleep, an awesome breakfast, sauna and jacuzzi time, and finally a hike in the forest. SOOOO nice! We then had time for shopping and dinner out at a local restaurant in our little town. The 2nd night was spent snuggling and watching a movie on the couch. This was so nice to have time together! The children returned home happy and exhausted! A picture from our beautiful fall hike...

This past week has also been an exciting one. I started language school in September and have completed my introductory course. So, last Monday, we went from 3 hours of school per day to 6 hours Monday and Friday and 3 hours on Wednesday. My poor little brain feels like it will explode. But, it is going much better than I had expected and I am able now to actually speak some danish with Kasper. He actually understands me!
On Tuesday, my friend Lykke had her baby boy. I was with her during her labor, which I feel so priviledged to have been a part of. You all know how passionate I am about doulaing. It is something I love to do and crave to do. And now, my appetite has been wetted once again. So, I hope to do this again very soon.

Last Friday, Joseph and Emma each had friends home from school. Joseph had Silja (his girlfriend!) and Emma had Leva. Samuel's friend was, unfortunately unable to make it. We had lots of halloween fun. The children immediately put on costumes and had a dance party around the house, enjoying candy corn, deviled eggs and Doritos potato chips. The chips were American flavored. Hmm, did you know that we taste like cool ranch? We carved pumpkins together and sent them home with our guests. Then we roasted pumpkin seeds. While the seeds were cooking, the children made halloween crafts with die-cuts that my mother had made and sent to us. So, many cute photos!( i Will post them soon for sure!) We had polsa (really good hot dogs), homefries, and cut veggies with dip. Our dinner was lit by candles, our jack-o-lanterns and glowsticks. Det var meget hyggeligt!
Their friends were sent off with pumpkins, trick-or-treating candy that was given from Kasper at our bedroom door. :) and smiles on their faces! It was very nice.

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