Thursday, November 11, 2010

This week's adventures...

Goddag! Hvordan går i dag? Det går godt med mig! :)
This past weekend we did a whole bunch of yard work on Saturday. It was MUCH needed. Our yard is much bigger than it seems when it is COVERED in leaves! We put the children to work picking up leaves, they succeeded in fussing at each other and poking each other with the rakes. So, eventually we split them up to do different things and they did prove to be helpful! :) Kasper and I moved some big rocks from the woods out to go between the bushes that separate the grassy area from the natural area. It helps divide the yard and now it looks more acceptable that the natural area looks so crazy. The rocks were quite heavy and most of them had to be rolled out. It was quite funny and it resulted in a lot of giggling and sore muscles!
Saturday night we had Jacob and Lykke over for dinner with their newest addition, Thomas. The children were very excited to meet him and it was so nice to get my baby fix. On Sunday, Joseph had the first meeting with his play group from school. He had a blast. We will be hosting in December.

On Wednesday, we got to go back to Tivoli for the beginning of Lysfest! We had more free passes from Kasper's work that included entry and free rides. Even though it was raining a bit, with a family of 5, you do not pass free tickets up! The lights were amazing! The kids got to ride as much as they wanted because the weather was a little less than desireable and people seemed to stay home because of that. But, it really wasn't so bad! We all had our winter clothes on that are also waterproof. It was just drizzling and then by 6:45 it had stopped. It just proved to me that it's not the weather that is bad or good, it's how you dress for the weather that's bad or good. The kids got to sit in Juleman's sleigh and tell him what they wished for for Jule. They all asked for a Nintendo DS, so Juleman reminded them not to get thumb joint pain from playing too much. :)

There is just something about Tivoli that brings out the kid in me. I LOVE that place. It's the only amusement park I have been to that doesn't seem like a tourist trap. Its atmosphere, the lights, shops, and restaurants all have a cozy feel. They don't try to sell you one particular thing. It's not about some sort of character or fancy accessory that your kids just HAVE to have because everyone else has it. It's just about enjoying being together. I think it also has something to do with it being 20 minutes from my house and if we don't get to everything, there is always next time. Also, free tickets don't hurt. ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are truly living a "fairy tale" life with your Prince Charming!!! The pictures are wonderful!!! Love you and miss you lots!
