Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh, the little things...

One's home is like a delicious piece of pie you order in a restaurant on a country road one cozy evening - the best piece of pie you have ever eaten in your life - and can never find again. After you leave home, you may find yourself feeling homesick, even if you have a new home that has nicer wallpaper and a more efficient dishwasher than the home in which you grew up. ~Lemony Snicket

Being "at home," is to be with your family. To be close with the ones you love and mean the most to you. So, I can be "at home" anywhere in the world, as long as I have my 4 favorite people with me. Wait, don't forget the dog. So, 4.5 people.(the.5 is the dog--she can't be .75 right now because she lost some weight, and she definitely can't be a whole 1 because she just recently rolled in poop)
That being said, there are different levels of feeling "at home." When all of ones basic needs are met while being with your needed 4.5 people then you really can't complain. In fact, most of my needs are met and then some! I really feel that I am living some kind of charmed life.
When I came back to the states to get the children, I told some of you that we had been approved to live here in DK for 2 years and we were to go and get our stamps in our passports the following week. That was very exciting! Now, we all have our CPR numbers and doctor coverage. It's really and truly official and it doesn't feel real. How did we do this? I know LOTS of people move to other countries and LOTS of people take their kids, but I honestly still feel like a kid myself! When I think about how much Kasper and I have been through in this past year, I am amazed at how many hurdles we have had to jump and loops we've had to go through. At times, it didn't seem like we would get here. And here we are, it's awesome! (and we didn't kill each other in the process! :) )

Home is defined as an environment offering security and happiness and a valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin. So, do I feel secure? Yes. Do I feel happiness? Absolutely. Do I have a place of refuge here in Denmark? Yes, I have 2 that I can think of: home in Herlev and my in law's house in Holbaek. But is it my place of origin? No. But does that really matter? What is it that makes us feel like we must always return to our place of origin? I don't think that I am homesick for my roots because of the simple fact that I was born there. I think I am homesick for the familiar. I long to walk out of my door to something I feel attached to. I want to get in my car (that I don't have to think about how to drive), drive down a familiar road, to a familiar store and shop for the familiar things. I don't want this everyday... just sometimes... okay, well maybe a few times a week. :)

The children and I have been on sensory overload every time we leave the house. It's an exhilarating feeling!!! It's an adventure at every turn! But it also means that our brains and souls can feel tired at the end of the day. When we meet those exhausting moments, all we want to do is be where we know all the details and don't have to think about them. We long to curl up on our couch and not have to search for a television program with our local weather guy whom we recognize.

The kids have not spoken English to a child since June 25th. That must be weird for them. They don't talk about it, but would they have the words to explain it?

I miss the little things that add up to that feeling of home. I miss things in my house that are different. Things that only I have or found. So many of the kitchen appliances, gadgets, serving trays and the like are all the same here. Don't get me wrong please, they are all really nice! The design here is modern, sleek, and refined. I really appreciate the danish lines in their design. But, I really wish that there was more diversity in what is offered in the stores. I will be patient on this because I have not shopped in that many locations yet, although I have been to more than a few houses at this point and you see the same brands at every house.
I miss things that I had in the states...little things that seem to make up "home" to me. Here's my list:
coffee creamer... oh gosh how I miss that!
a gallon of milk
ceiling fans
a bathtub
enormous grocery stores with everything you need
rosemary... can't find that stuff anywhere!
grape jelly
really good bagels
chocolate chips in "normal size" bags. Which means, American size. :)
fat free butter spray
fat free instant vanilla and chocolate pudding
yogurt in every flavor and fat free - oh the white chocolate raspberry!
sending a kid next door when I run out of eggs
my peach tree
the culdesac
my neighbors
my friends
my family

These things I miss,these things I long for. But even though there are days when I don't want to go anywhere;that I want to stay in my bed and put the pillow over my head to block out all of the new, all of the unknown...I still get up, I still get going. Because I have an amazing man to lean on, three beautiful children who inspire me to be more, and opportunities abound. If I sleep, then I'm going to miss it all. If I'm a scaredy cat, then I will fail.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
Dale Carnegie

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful entry!! I miss you so much. I have felt some of the same things when I moved to Ohio and then to SC. It takes a while to feel "at home" in new surroundings, but you will make it your own home sooner than you think.
    Give my grandchildren a hug and a kiss from Nana. Specials hugs to you.
