Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vacation at the Summer House

The past 4 days we have been vacationing at Katja, Soren, and Olivia's summer house with them. They were kind enough to share their time and space with us during their own family vacation. We had a lot of fun! The beach there is so beautiful with equisite blue water that is crisp and clean. The beach is free of garbage and when you look up, the scenery is spectacular. When you walk into the water you can see straight to the bottom. At this particular beach, you can walk out for around 200 meters or so before you get up to your waist. It was perfect for the children and they had so much fun! Aunt Katja showed them that the jelly fish do not sting and so then Emma and Sam went on a dead jellyfish expedition. We went to the beach on Wednesday and Friday.

On Thursday we went to a place called Sommerland. Sommerland is awesome for kids 10 and under. There, the children got to do all sorts of fun things. We drove go carts, held bunnies on bunny island, climbed on playgrounds, bounced on trampolines and huge bubbles in the ground (see pictures), went to the water slide park, rode fair rides with no lines! (parent controlled too), and we were even able to bring the dog! How cool is that? It is such a great concept! You can even bring your own food if you don't want to spend money on the food there. There are picnic areas and plenty of other things to do that we didn't even get to. It was a great day! Honestly guys... it was better than Disney. Not because it was magical or anything, but because there were no lines, it was really inexpensive, the dog could come, there was a little bit of everything, and all of the things the kids really crave to do! Perfect for us. :)
On Friday afternoon we went to visit Kasper's grandparents for his grandmother's birthday (mormor--the children call her oldemor because she is their great-grandmother). It was a nice time and I'm understanding more and more of the danish conversations which is nice. On the way home we stopped at Ester Hoj Stenen, which is one of the highest points in Denmark... believe me, it's not that high. :) But it was beautiful to look out over the countryside and feel the wind with the warm sunshine. While there, the idea of a picnic was presented and so we picked up pizza (as we did not want to make sandwiches :) ) and went to the 3rd highest point in Denmark-121 meters up, called Vejr Hoj. It was gorgeous!!! The pictures don't even do it justice.
On Saturday, we went to Kasper's parent's house for his mom's birthday. It was a really nice day with the family. We did the usual eat all day celebration with amazing food and fantastic company. The kids got to meet more of the extended family and play with their cousins. They found snails of all shapes, colors and sizes and marveled at their little sticky antennae. What weird little creatures. (I'm talking about the snails and the children. ;) ) At one point during the party the women decided to walk the children to the park for some more play time (and to walk off some of the 3,000 calories that we had all consumed during the course of 5 hours of eating). This is the point at which Scout decided to roll in something delightful. Oh the joys of having a dog! Humph.
It was a fantastic vacation and party. I feel so lucky to be a part of this open and loving family. The Kjaersgaards are amazing. I feel privileged to have the name.

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