Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Danes know how to party...

The Danes know how to party. Whether it's a wedding, a 60th birthday party, a housewarming party or a 6 year old's birthday party, it matters not. There is always a lot of food, always many hours of companionship and celebration, and always lots of fun. Did I mention there is lots of food?
Today is Emma's sixth birthday. She woke up this morning to a trampoline in the backyard. We are not usually the type of people who do big gifts like that, but today we did. It was really exciting for me because it felt like Christmas and the anticipation was awesome. It wasn't just one child that was excited either... so that was great!
We hosted a brunch today with the family in celebration of Emma's big day. Her first Danish birthday. :) This is a happy and sad thing for me and I'm sure it is for her as well. It's happy because we are finally here all together! But it's sad because everything is different. Our family and friends are not around us for her annual summer time birthday party. All the inflatable pools would have been out in the yard with the slip-n-slide. The octopus with the big eyes and mouth would have been propped up on our tree ready to be beaten with a slew of water balloons. All of her friends from school and all of my best friends children would have been there. The neighbors would have stayed around after the party, to help clean up and chat. And after the kids are settled playing or resting, we would have drinks and laughs on the porch. Oh, I am missing my front porch buddy right now.
I could not make Emma a cake the way I usually do, but it was great because I made my first Danish layer cake which is quite popular here! And it was delicious. She loved it. I brought squiggly candles from home along with EMMA candles that my mom sent along.
The neighbors came over with their little boy to have cake with us and it was very nice to get to know them a little better. I am so hoping that Samuel will become good friends with their little boy.
Here, at a family gathering or party, people stay for extended periods of time. It is sooo nice because the hostess, while racing around getting things served and cleaned up, still has time to mingle and relax with her guests. We ate, and ate some more, and then later... we ate some more. We are completely stuffed.
The children flitted around, here and there. Inside and out, up on the trampoline and then down again. The weather was so nice... around 80 degrees, abundant sunshine and no bugs! By the end of the day, all of the children were exhausted and fell asleep easily after a quick bite to eat and a nice shower. I am looking forward to a shower myself and my dyne is calling my name. (more on my dyne maybe tomorrow--I think the general American public needs a proper education on what a dyne is and why it is so utterly fantastic).
Having the family here today was so wonderful. The kids really enjoy being around their cousins and it's pretty obvious how much they like having friends to play with. I am hoping to get the kids together with them again soon.
That's all for tonight. Goodnight USA, goodnight DK. Happy Birthday Emmaline... my sweet, precious baby girl.

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